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Marine Dynamics, Inc. was founded in 1987 to satisfy the market’s demand for improved boating performance. Through advanced computer technology, the StingRay Hydrofoil Stabilizer was created. Family-owned and operated for the past 24 years,...
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Marine Dynamics, Inc. was founded in 1987 to satisfy the market’s demand for improved boating performance. Through advanced computer technology, the StingRay Hydrofoil Stabilizer was created. Family-owned and operated for the past 24 years, Marine Dynamics, Inc. has had the flexibility and determination to continually develop and advance hydrofoil technology. Since the company’s inception, four unique hydrofoils have been developed to provide boaters of all types with a product that will improve performance and handling.

Four unique hydrofoils for performance and handling

We are the pioneers of “No-Drill” technology in the hydrofoil industry. Previously, hydrofoil companies only knew how to bolt on their products to the engine. As a dynamic company striving to satisfy boaters of all kinds, we recognized the need for a hydrofoil to attach without holes needing to be drilled. The “No-Drill” technology was quickly invented and released onto the market. We must admit that we had some problems early on in the process, but as all good product development companies do, we have worked tirelessly to resolve these issues with the newly created technology. Valuable knowledge surrounding the new attachment technology was gained from these problems. We can proudly say these problems have been corrected, and we are 100% confident in the “No-Drill” hydrofoil technology’s functionality and performance.

Featuring no drill installation on the Stealth and XR-III products

After competition attempted to knock off our “No-Drill” technology with an inferior product, we decided to use the knowledge we gained and leave the hydrofoil industry behind once again when we invented the industry’s first “Hidden, No-Drill” technology. Our newest hydrofoil creation utilizes a newly developed, no-drill attachment and grips onto the cavitation plate with no visual evidence of clamps, bolts, etc. while requiring no drilling whatsoever. In creating this newest hydrofoil, we didn’t simply wish to one-up the competition so we went another step further and made this hydrofoil the world’s first and only “Dual Angle of Attack” hydrofoil.

The only "Dual Angle of Attack" hydrofoil on the market

We offer the only hydrofoil on the market that optimizes performance across all throttle ranges. The “Dual Angle of Attack” concept was invented to provide an optimal riding angle for slower boat speeds and a completely different, yet optimal riding angle for higher throttle speeds. The coordination of these two angles gives boaters the most technologically advanced and highest performing hydrofoil the world has ever seen. Current product development will utilize and expand upon our current technology, and it will result in the development of more advanced hydrofoils in the future. We pride ourselves in making high-performance products that are 100% made in America. Sure it may increase our development costs, but we are willing to pay a premium for the confidence that comes with an American made product.



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    Stabilizatorul Stingray ™ StarFire pune barca rapid in glisaj, stopeaza inclinatia ambarcatiunii, reduce consumul de combustibil si nu in ultimul rand, creste simtitor stabilitatea ambarcatiunii.  Potrivit pentru motoarele cu capacitate intre 40-300cp Instalare fara suruburi Performante sporite ale motorului Economie de combustibil Instalare simpla...

    Stabilizatorul Stingray ™ StarFire pune barca rapid in glisaj, stopeaza inclinatia ambarcatiunii, reduce consumul de combustibil si nu in ultimul rand,...


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